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Red hot chilli pepper

What’s so special about eating foods that are in season?They’ve got twice as much flavour, that extra crunch and are extremely high on vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. Consuming foods that are not in season may come with a risk of chemicals and preservatives that are applied to fruits and veggies to keep them fresh.
Summer Tables include a lot of green vegetables, melons, peaches, corn, mangoes and other fresh and fragrant herbs. According to Ayurveda the qualities of summer are hot, sharp, and penetrating. Composed of fire and water, Pitta dosha governs metabolism and transformation in the body, including digestion. Pitta is associated with heat, and its effects are especially felt during the hot summer, from July to October. We cook foods with cooling spices such as fennel, mint and coriander, and reduce hot spices such as dried ginger and mustard seed to keep the pitta dosa in balance.

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